
Growing Up!


Aaah! Those growing up years, when you just can't wait to grow up and "feel" grown up! How we longed for it! Years which are beautiful only in hindsight.

My sister and I were just two years apart. Torturing each other was the most important thing in life, at that moment. We fought about everything there was to fight about: whose friends were more obnoxious, who was mom's favourite, who would get the better dress that birthday, who messed up the room and who would tidy it up.

We even fought over the family dog! Who would walk him, who he would sleep with and who he loved more. Snoopy was a delirious Beagle who took great pride in how fast he could swish his tail and lick us at the same time. I would conveniently make up stories about how Snoopy had slobbered all over me and that was enough for the weeping willow!

We considered each other a waste of human space, and didn't hesitate to say so. Several tearful days followed, as did the parent's wrath. Dad always said once you both grow up, you won't be able to live without each other. Yes, we believed him like life would be full of Sundays! We scoffed the very thought and couldn't wait for each other to get out of the room, house and lives!

School was the other nightmare! Having this lil' sister winging around and I got ticked off by the teachers for all that she hadn't done. Being constantly told that I was the role model and had to set an example got my goat. Why couldn't she just be a separate individual?

Why were we clubbed together like Siamese twins? People felt obliged to invite her when they invited me to birthday parties / movies. I'd much rather have just dropped her in the garbage bin than have to suffer her for a whole evening. I often told her she was adopted and reduced her to tears. Sounds mean in hindsight, but I enjoyed seeing that expression on her face those days and loved it when the water works started!

Wonder if others go through these streaks of "hating" the sibling or am I different?
- Shirin

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